Short Film – Psychological Thriller. An immigrant from Argentina, who was imprisoned and tortured by the military dictatorship in the 1970's, feels that he is being hunted once again 20 years later, in Israel.
Script, Director and Producer: Jorge Weller.
Prizes: Outstanding Film Award at the Jerusalem Film Festival, Gran Premio (Grand Prize) at the
International Short Film Festival in Bilbao, Spain. Golden Plaque Award at the Chicago Festival USA.
Participated as guest of honor in about 50 festivals, including: London, Montpellier, Washington, Alberta, Quebec, Oberhausen, Tampere, Paris, Clermont-Ferrand, Bologna, Copenhagen
"Sensitive and powerful. Exceptional work of both director and cameraman."
Amir Kaminer
"Beautiful, thrilling, passionate. Rich and unique artistic language. Very well made."
Gidi Orsher
"Israeli films are no longer naïve. Shows reality for what it is. Excellent film."
Irit Shamgar
"Highly recommended."
Ronit Weiss Berkowitz
"The big prize at the Jerusalem Festival went to the excellent film No Te Metas. Are we witnessing the new wave in Israeli films?"
Bernice Reineau, Liberacion, France